Universe At War


The Amplifier is an offensive Novus vehicle. Its sonic resonator gains power the longer it focuses on a target, going through three stages (currently the resonator appears to lose power or sometimes do no damage at all). Its harmonic pulse deals high point blank area of effect damage to structures especially, although the Amplifier cannot move while using it.

Can flow: No (before research)


Method: Built by Vehicle Assembly

Prerequisites: Wave Processor upgrade

Cost: 900

Time: 00:28

Pop: 4

Special Abilities

Harmonic Pulse - Becomes immobile and activates harmonic pulse, periodically repulsing infantry and damaging structures nearby.

Sonic Resonator - Regains mobility and reverts to its standard attack.


Advanced Flow - Can flow. Gained from Flow Branch Suite 3.

Cascade Resonance - The sonic resonator attacks multiple objects near its target if they are of the same type. Gained from Flow Branch Suite 4.

Rapid Flow - Flow speed increased by 50%. Gained from Flow Branch Suite 1.
