Universe At War

The Hierarchy are the initial alien invaders in the first installment of the Universe at War series baring the name "Earth Assault"


The earliest known history of The Hierarchy is thousand's of years before the main game. In that time they were a near extinct species saved by the Masari, who offered them the technology which they needed to save themselves. The species was saved and then it turned on his saviors, nearly annihilating the Masari. Now The Hierarchy is the most powerful force in the galaxy controlling most of known space.

Play style

The Hierarchy is taking the part of the powerhouse. They're units have an industrial theme and are the strongest in the game. It is known that the faction possesses a few building, however the factories and the reaserch center are in the form of giant walkers capable of taking multiple opponents at once and sustaining impressive amount of fire.


Tech trees

Mutagen tech tree - enchants radiation effect.

Quantum tech tree - give access to advanced technology

Assault tech tree - bringing in the big guns.

In Short

The Hierarchy:

  • Walkers replace the functions of base structures, creating a fully mobile army.
  • Walkers have customizable upgrade hardpoints.
  • They can collect almost anything as raw material, buildings, cars, humans, cows, etc.
  • Insert text here.