Universe At War
Mid heirarchy monolith

Hierarchy Monolith


The monolith is a Hierarchy scouting unit. It can see through stealth. It flies slowly over short distances, but travels long distances by teleporting. It can teleport to areas under the fog of war. Its sight range is small, but increases in stages when stationary. Visual range increases after 5 seconds, then 7 seconds after that. It fires a constant radiation beam which degrade the functions of its target, slowing unit production by 10% and reducing turret range by half. It can attack ground and air. It is excellent against aircraft, good against infantry, and bad against heavy vehicles and Walkers.


Type: Large Piloted Flying
Movement: Flying
Max. Speed: 0.8
Health: 300
Armor: Alien Aircraft
Sight: 50/230/310
Crush Defense: 40
Crush Power: N/A


Type: Radiation Beam
Min. Range: 50
Max. Range: 125
Damage: 8 per second


Method: Built by Arrival Site

Prerequisites: Reaper Drone

Cost: 750

Time: 00:23

Pop: 2


Phase Self

Effect: Phase for 15 seconds, becoming immune to damage and collision

Cooldown: 0:25 (after phasing ends)

Special: The unit is destroyed if it rematerializes inside another object

Volatile Reactors

Effect: Creates radioactive cloud when destroyed

Method: Research Mutagen Branch Suite 1

Damage vs. Armor

Radiation Beam

Armor Type Modifier DPS
Base 1.0 8.0
Infantry Light 1.1 8.8
Infantry Heavy 1.1 8.8
Vehicle Light 1.05 8.4
Alien Vehicle Heavy 0.95 7.6
Novus Vehicle Heavy 0.9 7.2
Masari Vehicle Heavy 0.95 7.6
Masari Vehicle Elite 0.85 6.8
Alien Aircraft 2.2 17.6
Novus Aircraft 2.0 16
Masari Aircraft 2.0 16
Alien Structure Turret 0.95 7.6
Novus Structure Turret 0.95 7.6
Masari Structure Turret 1.0 8.0
Alien Structure Light 0.9 7.2
Novus Structure Light 0.9 7.2
Masari Structure Light 1.0 8.0
Alien Structure Heavy 1.0 8.0
Novus Structure Heavy 1.0 8.0
Masari Structure Heavy 1.1 8.8
Hero Endure 0.5 4
Walker Hardpoint 0.8 6.4
Walker Hardpoint Armor 0.75 6


  • Its unknown how it flies or even it teleports
  • It has a stand by stage after teleporting larde distances leaving it defenseless and moveless
  • The radiation weapon appear to be launched from the monolith inside.
  • Its a reference to the cigar UFOs
  • It is divided in 2 segments a flat one floating above the body. And the large body segment
  • The team color only afects the flat disk part in the upper part of the monolith